Wednesday, December 21, 2016

DIY Baby Wipes!

Before I got pregnant and became a mom I used to roll my eyes at the "overprotective" mom's that wanted everything to be "natural" or "organic" and took extra precautions to make sure their baby wasn't exposed to any nasty ingredient - whether in lotions, soaps, or even their clothes. Well, I learned very quickly not to judge those moms. I became one of those moms! 

Have you ever looked at the ingredients in your babies wipes? Too often we trust these companies that promise not to put our sweet precious babies in any danger with out them giving us a reason to actually trust them. Let me break it down for you.

The wipes I used for the first four months of Leightons life was the Toys R us brand, While researching these ingredients, this is what I found:

Sodium Benzoate: Sodium Benzoate is a "preservative." It is a known carcinogenic additive. When eaten or applied to the skin, gets transported to the liver. The liver then is supposed to filter the toxins out but the damage gets done way before that happens.
Phenoxyethanol: Phenooxyethanol on the Material Safety Data sheet states that it can cause skin and lung irritation. Its also toxic to the kidneys, liver, and nervous system. Long term repeated exposure can cause organ damage.
Disodium Edta: alters the skin structure so that other chemicals have an easier time reaching the blood stream.
Polisorbato 20: Known to cause cancer in animals.

The list really goes on & on..

So knowing all the information listed above, I searched for a better way. Not only is it cost-effective, it is soo much better for my baby and that makes me happy! oh- and it smells good too ;)

You will need:
  • A roll of paper towel, cut in half. (I use bounty) You will only be using one half for this project.
  • Dr Bronners Soap. (1 tbs) I use lavender scented, but there is a baby unscented one as well. You can find this soap at target or Amazon through this link  Dr. Bronners Lavender 32 oz.
  • Witch Hazel. (1 tbs)  Make sure its 100% alcohol free, like this one  Pure Witch Hazel (I only use this when he has a diaper rash, otherwise its not necessary for me.) Which is the cool part, you can change the recipe based off your baby's needs!
  • 1 3/4 cup worth of distilled water
  • 8 drops of vitamin e oil
  • 1 tsp of Grapeseed Oil (optional)
  • 1 tbs of coconut oil
  • Lavendar Oil if you choose. (1-2 drops) for me, the castile lavender soap is enough so I choose not to use this
I normally do not buy distilled water, I boil, then cool instead.

While the water is boiling, I prep the paper towel. I cut the roll in half with the biggest knife I can find and then place half the roll in a container of some sort. Whether its a Tupperware container, an old wipes container, or whatever else you can find.

I put the soap,  and all oils in a bowl. Once the water is cooled to room temperature, I mix the ingredients of the bowl with the water, and then pour over paper towels. Make sure to pour it over evenly and not all in one spot.

Shake, Shake, Shake.. with the lid on, of course ;)

Now let sit for a little while and let the paper towels soak up all the moisture.  Pull out the cardboard in the center of the paper towels and you are ready!

Do you have another recipe that works better for you? Id love to hear it! Comment below!


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